Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Holy Crap I'm going to London!

Hello Everyone! Thanks so much for taking time out of your day/night to read this, and hopefully I will try not to bore you too much. Also, please excuse any spelling errors.

        So, since some of you might not know me too well, I thought I would catch you up on what has been going on in my life this past summer. Picture this: moving to a new house, in a new state, with all sorts of new people you don't know. Sound exciting?  To a point, yes, but to a college student, it means a summer of loneliness. How lonely? Let's just say that I have read around 35 books this summer along with knowing my 13 digit library card number by heart. No, I wasn't just home alone all summer doing nothing, i did work 40 hour weeks yet still had the time to become an antisocial nerd. Don't tell me this is not sad because it is and if you try to comfort me and tell me it's not that bad, I will check to see if your pants are on fire because you are definitely lying to me.
         I can now look back on my sad summer and laugh and see what God wanted me to get out of this challenging time. I realized how important friends can be and the impact they can have on your life.  I worked to improve my relationships with some of my closest/oldest friends and then strengthening my relationships with some of my newer friends.

Now, why did I choose the University of Westminster in London? Well, just give me a few more minutes of your time and you will find out.

I was inspired to travel abroad from my older sister. She went around- the- world for a semester and she said it was the best experience she ever had. Since Concordia Wisconsin doesn't have an around -the- world program, I started looking at the other opportunities my school had to offer. Now, something you should know about me is that i completely suck at learning foreign languages. It's why i took 2 years of Sign Language in High School and then endured one semester of Spanish in college (and even that was a struggle, ask my roommates). It just doesn't click for me and all I could tell you today was how to say cat or dog. So, London was the clear winner and it was one less worry I had to think about! I knew if I didn't grab at this opportunity, I would regret it later on in life.

I'm really looking forward to the life lessons this adventure will teach me and how much I will grow as a person. I am looking forward to meeting new people (even though meeting new people is always a pain in my butt. You always have to go through the mundane questions with everyone and you end up saying the same thing 30 times in a row) and learning from them.
     "Oh hi! my name is claire and i'm from the States. Yeah, i am pretty excited to be here.            I'm actually a senior this year at Concordia University Wisconsin. Oh that's an exciting subject to major in! I'm actually a Business Management Major with a Minor in     Marketing. No, I have no idea what I want to do with my major yet. I'm just hoping to be        employed after I graduate."
      Ugh! Its exhausting and sort of pointless since after you meet that person, you forget what they said, what their name was, and any other information they gave you since you're so busy meeting the next person in line! I think I will include something weird about me so that people remember me. Like how I can touch my tongue to my nose. That should make me memorable and unforgettable (hopefully not weird and crazy....that would suck). Anyways, we have all been in this situation sometime in our life and soon we all go into auto pilot, smack a smile on our face, and rehash the same speech we have given before. It's part of life and getting to know people. Ya just have to grin and bear it.

So, despite all of my comments above, I am really excited to start this new journey in my life and I will miss so many people. The nerves are starting to set in and I'm afraid of forgetting something important (I always worry about the unknown.) I already know I will break down and cry just a few days before I leave, ( boy am I looking forward to that) and my parents will have to sooth me and tell me everything is going to be okay (I won't believe them, but I will soon come to my senses and realize I was a huge cry baby) . I will try to keep up with the blogging and putting pictures up on Facebook, but I can't promise anything. 
Hopefully I have entertained you with my banter instead of scaring you away and hopefully you will come back to read my next blog post (whenever I get around to writing it). Prayers would be much appreciated as I go through this journey. Prayers for safety, patience in times of frustration, flexibility in times of the unknown, and peace for the things I cannot control.

See ya later!

Monday, August 25, 2014

I don't think we can be friends Delta Airlines

Welcome readers and thanks for giving my blog and I a second chance!

So what have I been up too lately? 
- I went to Wisconsin to celebrate my birthday with my roommates (my parents ditched me to go to Colorado, no hard feelings).
- I had a great time seeing all of my friends, but it was sad to say goodbye.
- They started school and I went back home to work a few more weeks.
- My sister and her boyfriend came up for Labor day weekend. We had a blast!
- Went to the Minnesota State Fair (I've never seen so many foods on a stick before!)
- We had a Labor day party and invited the relatives over so they could meet the boyfriend. They approved.
- Mom and I went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival (that was an eye opener. It seemed like a lot of people waited for this moment this whole year and really went above and beyond with there costumes.  Let's just say it was a cultural experience for me).
- I started the inevitable project of packing.....

Delta Airline Rules:
1 Free checked bag that has to be under 50lbs (2nd bag is an extra $100-heck no).
1 Personal bag you can bring on the plane (how kind of them).

Now, I have a few things going against me:
1. I'm a girl, and I live up to the status quo of overpacking.
2. I'm going to be away for 3 months.
3. I have no idea what to expect weather wise in London.
4. Since I don't really know what temperatures to expect, I worry, and then pack extra stuff just in case (this is a dangerous cycle and nothing good comes of it).
5. I am officially screwed.
So I would like to thank Delta for their restrictions and pray that my bag doesn't weigh 51.2 lbs when I check in.

So packing has really been a highlight of my life lately (not!) and I just love running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to gather last minute things together (sarcasm). My mind is constantly running (even at 4:30a.m.----meh) and telling me not to forget to pack something. I consider all of this my work out for the day and then I therefore don't feel bad about sitting on my butt for the rest of the night.

So wish me luck as I take on this beast of a problem and hopefully I will come out alive and victorious.

- Claire